Super Game Speed Changer Details
Freeware 8.23 MB
Super Game Speed Changer can change the speed of any desktop application including chrome, msedge, firefox, video player, music player, computer game, and more!
Publisher Description
Super Game Speed Changer is a magic and funny tool to change the speed of games or applications.
It can speed up games or speed down games.
For some network games, players can get super ability such as moving faster, more powerful gun fire if the program makes the game run faster.
Players could get more reaction time if it makes the game slower.
It can also change the speed of video playback.
It can change the speed of the game up to 64 times faster or 0.01 times slower.
It can increase game speed.
Super Game Speed Changer can change the speed of any desktop application including chrome, msedge, firefox, video player, music player, computer game, and more!
Download and use it now: Super Game Speed Changer
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